Thursday, June 26, 2014

Carroll Valley Tour Part 10

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9

Hole 10: 395 yards

The scorecard says this is the 6th hardest hole on the course, but don't believe it for a second.  This hole is by far the toughest hole out here.  Do whatever you can to avoid starting on this hole, I've done it before, and it never ends with anything better than a double.  The drive is downhill, but the target is narrow, and there's no good place to miss.  The pond on the right beckons to me, and the trees on the left are just thick enough that I'll probably have to pitch out if I go over there.  I use a three wood and try to keep myself from getting tight and spraying the ball on some fantastic but ill-fated journey to the bottom of the lake.  So, I chunk one out about 220 yards down the fairway.  Close enough.

The water isn't really in play on the second if you're a solid iron player.  I can be pretty solid sometimes, but I can also be terrible.  The water is just close enough to the green to make me worry about it.  It would be easier if I had hit a better drive, but that was just too difficult.  I'm just hoping to get it on the green at this point.  A par would be fantastic at this point.  I hack a short iron over the pond and get it about 40 feet from the hole.  Luckily, this green is just as boring as the others, and I very carefully lag a putt a couple feet short.  I'm not known for my bravery on the greens.  The two footer sneaks in the side (I'm not very good at them either), and I sprint away to the next tee.  I really hate this hole.

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