Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Carroll Valley Tour Part 14

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13

Hole 14: 415 yards

The last four holes have all been in one direction, leading straight away from the clubhouse.  Standing on this tee, you're a long way from anything.  The entire hole runs right along what we call a mountain in Pennsylvania, but it's not much more than a hill.  There's a stream running along the right side as well at the very foot of the hill, but really, neither should come into play on the tee shot.  There's quite a bit of space right, and plenty more to the left.  I've used a three wood on this hole in the past because it seemed like a prudent play, but I don't think it ever really worked.  I have a tendency to pop up three woods from the tee, so now I just go with the driver and blast away.  Strangely, this has seemed to improve my performance on the hole.

The stream does cut in front of the green, but it's quite a ways before, so as long as you can hit an iron shot with a reasonable level of competence, it's not even a factor.  The two bunkers are of more concern, so what I usually do is aim for the middle of the green, doing my best to avoid them.  I'll accept a longer putt on this hole, there may be nothing particularly offensive about it, but it just doesn't quite fit my eye.  Maybe it's because trees are my archenemy on the golf course, and any sort of forest where it's impossible to play out from makes me really uneasy.  Even so, I think the last birdie I got on this course was on this hole, so it can't be all bad.  Right?

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